Our Story

We simply want to make all founders, entrepreneurs, creators, solo-preneurs, hustlers out there feel the super power that they all already have!


My Story:

I loved coding from the time I was in school. It really amazed me. It was like exploring different learnings and stuff beyond just academics; amalgamate with philosophy and what not to create systems that helps us all.

However, neither I nor my family was aware of a lot of career choices. Of all the alternatives (2-3), I was exposed to; Engineering seemed to be it.

After graduating, I worked with an IT company for a year. Eight months into the company, I was still fixing the same kinds of errors and involved a lot of corporate politics. Such that hindered my conscience. That's when I realised I didn’t want to do this. I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. But I was clear with what I didn’t want to do. I resigned.

I went back home, with no clue what I wanted to do next.

While I was in college, I had started liking photography. While at it, I also joined an NGO, Make A Difference, where I handled its PR for 6 months, which included clicking pictures and making short films. I loved the volunteer work and I stuck with the NGO to contribute as well as learn and avail more exposure about life.

I worked with the organisation for 3 years and was handling PR as one of the Regional Strategist. During this time, I came in contact with a lot of media-houses, radio stations and newspapers. However, I lost touch when I entered the corporate world as I couldn’t find time for myself for volunteering or photography.

So when I came back home after quitting my job, I started photography again not knowing where it would lead me but till I figure out what else I can work with and make some money on the side.

A leading radio station, Radio Mirchi Love 107.2, came across my path and became my first project after I left IT sector. That incident paved a way for me I didn't even know existed in the first place.

And years later, following photography and trying to make the best of it as a career. Although, corporate sector is not all that bad a place. Its just not everyone’s cup of tea.

I failed multiple times in building my own business but just kept at it. Learned about the shortcomings and re-iterated. I still fail at times. It's okay. Its all about showing up everyday.

I believe in growth mindset and always learning. Being disciplined and improving but enjoying life too! I use to reflect my thoughts in my journal. I talked about the good days, the hard ones, and the intensity of how I feel.

Now, after building a photography business to almost $30k ARR, I was still feeling unfulfilled. I knew I was capable of more. I knew there was so much to learn and explore. Soon after the pandemic the photography business took a hit and there were many ups and downs. 

And amidst all that down time, I used to watch some entrepreneurs and creators, giving value and knowledge through their social media and I always used to take it as motivation. 

I turned their learnings into lessons for my self and along with my own set of learnings I started making and noting down some principles for my self that have been of immense value to me.

And this is where I started building on this idea to just let the world know how hard  (and challenging and fun too) it is to build businesses. And somehow I wanted to embrace this warrior sprit or war scars whatever you want to call it and I turned to apparel like hoodies, t-shirts, sweatshirts.

So yeah, I hope the world sees all entrepreneurs, founders, hustlers, creators, how intently they put in the work and be who they are, and how they want to express themselves.

Spreading joy, motivation, growth mindset a step at a time. 

In the end, its just that there are no shortcuts in life and its just hard work. Getting up every time to balance it all out and finding small things to keep you happy is what I think it comes down to, in a broader sense. Well, just try and be a good human being.